Feeling Instantly Better

I’m not one for role playing in the bedroom and if I’m going to be entirely honest under the banner of anonymity here it’s not because I don’t like it.

Truthfully, I didn’t even know if I’d like it, it was just that far removed from my mnd and that’s because I lacked the self confidence for that kind of thing. As a man you really need to make yourself completely vulnerable, it feels, in order to do this. My ego was too fragile.

That was until I met this amazing woman who couldn’t give a flying fuck what people thought about her. It’s not like she just behaved like a lunatic or anything but she was just so comfortable with herself that she had no issue doing what she enjoyed.

And it turns out roleplaying was one of those things, which I found out one day when she rocked up at my front door wearing an outfit not all too dissimilar to the one in pic, under a full length coat.

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