Tag Archives: Fake Doctors

fake hospital where hot girls get tricked into sex


I have a certain amount of sympathy for the sweet looking girls that visit the Fake Hospital. For one I feel sorry for them that they’re sick and need to visit a Doctor, but on the other hand if these girls can’t figure out the Doctor isn’t real  well fuck them! Seriously though if a girl walks into the Doctors office and his prescription to make her better is to suck his cock dry should we feel sorry for them believing it? Fuck no! I think these girls have got just what they deserve, it serves them right for being so fucking gullible.

I mean I just finished watching a clip featuring a sweet looking amateur brunette, she was complaining to the Doc that her periods were lasting too long, when he tells her he can fix it but she will have to let him fuck he hard she totally goes for it, now that is the type of action that I can dig. I think you guys can dig yourself a 51% off discount to Fake Hospital here if you act quick enough that is!